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Profile picture for Yiannis Karageorgos

Yiannis Karageorgos

Author, Proofreader, Reviewer, Section Editor

Editorial groups:
Editorial Board




Yiannis Karageorgos is an independent consultant on GxP Compliance,Clinical Data Management and Statistical Programming, in Belgium. His career inclinical research spans over 25 years, at Bristol-Myers Squibb from 2005 to 2022 and prior to that at PPD Inc., working primarily on HIV and Immunoscience/Immuno-Oncology. He has supported standards work towards interoperability between electronic health records and clinical research through projects including the 2008 EuroREC Clinical Research Functional Profile, the 2009 ANSI/HL7 EHRCR profile, the ISO Technical Committee215/Joint Initiative Council, and the eClinical Forum EHRCR and eSource Readiness Assessment teams. He has served the industry as a steering committee member for the eClinical Forum and the French Data Management association (DMB), the TransCelerate Risk-based Monitoring (RBM) and eSource teams and has been a founding member of the International Network of Clinical Data Management Associations. He has served the SCDM on the Data Innovation and Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) Steering Committees and as a contributing author to the Good Clinical Data Management Practices (GCDMP).

Yiannis holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the Athens Economic University.